How does a database on your hard drive?

All data is stored in a computer is expressed in a series of zeroes and ones (1 / 0) in the form of binary digits (bits). With magnetic particles, which can be polarized magnetic north or south, and that their magnetic poles may be changed or magnetic polarity of the voltage is sufficient to record, except that the order of the bits on the disc, which collects the particles needed for magnetic media for storing, in order to represent the stored data. Hard drives are defined, which contains two runways intersect and sectors. The goal is to provide a logical data structure to provide a means to distinguish between data fields. Within each theme, a number of sectors. It is in these sectors on the disk that stores data. The minutes of a hard disk is covered with a layer sensitive to magnetic fields is mainly composed of charged particles and magnetic recording as a whole can be called the recording medium. These particles can be adjusted to represent the magnetic bits, by inducing an electromagnetic field to them, a reader / writer. The recording medium contains billions of microscopic particles, given similar miniature metal shavings.

When a hard disk drive records data on the support that it takes several hundreds (usually between 500 to 100) of these particles are sensitive to magnetic fields to store a single bit. The largest reduction of particulates to save the data is limited in resolution states (the miniature device reads and writes data storage medium), because the magnetic field is available disk read / write head to read and / or transaction ( write) the data so that information is temporarily closing its borders.

It would be much closer to try to further increase accuracy, the probability of data corruption may grow considerably. Research by various parties are going to find a workable solution for storage on land less, or even individual particles for some time. hard disk can store information on your hard drive using a magnetic field sufficient media (which was suspended when the album Hard Disk) data (a series of ones and / or zeros, which correspond to the data is stored) is stored in a number of particles of average size of the desired composition of the magnetic pole (north or south). Thus, all previous data, which are then destroyed.