How does a database on your hard drive?

All data is stored in a computer is expressed in a series of zeroes and ones (1 / 0) in the form of binary digits (bits). With magnetic particles, which can be polarized magnetic north or south, and that their magnetic poles may be changed or magnetic polarity of the voltage is sufficient to record, except that the order of the bits on the disc, which collects the particles needed for magnetic media for storing, in order to represent the stored data. Hard drives are defined, which contains two runways intersect and sectors. The goal is to provide a logical data structure to provide a means to distinguish between data fields. Within each theme, a number of sectors. It is in these sectors on the disk that stores data. The minutes of a hard disk is covered with a layer sensitive to magnetic fields is mainly composed of charged particles and magnetic recording as a whole can be called the recording medium. These particles can be adjusted to represent the magnetic bits, by inducing an electromagnetic field to them, a reader / writer. The recording medium contains billions of microscopic particles, given similar miniature metal shavings.

When a hard disk drive records data on the support that it takes several hundreds (usually between 500 to 100) of these particles are sensitive to magnetic fields to store a single bit. The largest reduction of particulates to save the data is limited in resolution states (the miniature device reads and writes data storage medium), because the magnetic field is available disk read / write head to read and / or transaction ( write) the data so that information is temporarily closing its borders.

It would be much closer to try to further increase accuracy, the probability of data corruption may grow considerably. Research by various parties are going to find a workable solution for storage on land less, or even individual particles for some time. hard disk can store information on your hard drive using a magnetic field sufficient media (which was suspended when the album Hard Disk) data (a series of ones and / or zeros, which correspond to the data is stored) is stored in a number of particles of average size of the desired composition of the magnetic pole (north or south). Thus, all previous data, which are then destroyed.

Keep Laptop in Good Condition

1. Do not ever put a heavy burden on the laptop if we put the goods that have a heavy burden on the laptop, it can cause scratches on the LCD screen. 

2. Avoid placing the laptop inside the bag with items that are too full of stuff .. because it will cause pressure on the laptop 

3. note the temperature condition

Laptop or notebook is composed of various electronic components whose performance is affected by temperature. Among other things, the temperature is too extreme, such as too hot or too cold, can disturb the performance or even damage the laptop. Therefore, avoid the habit of leaving the laptop in the carwhich was parked under the hot sun. Avoid also highlight the laptop is under direct sunlight. Generally, manufacturers recommend a temperature between 5-35 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, to the height recommended laptop to work at an altitude below 2,500 meters above sea level. 

4. Storage

If you will keep your laptop in a long time (one week more), should remove the battery and store in a cool, dry, and circulate air well enough. Place the silicone gel to prevent mildew. So want to use it again, stun or content of the battery byfilling and emptying as many as three times in a row. 

5. Avoid magnetic fields

To protect the existing data on the hard disk, do not place devices that contain magnetic fields / strong electromagnets around a laptop. From these devicesproducing magnetic fields, such as speakers are not shielded (unshielded speaker system) or cellular telephone. If you want to access the Internet using the facility infrared on the phone, put the phone in the distance about 15 cm from the laptop. 

6. Use stabilizer

If you are working on a laptop with the use of electricity (without batteries), then you should use a stabilizer that can prevent the occurrence of an unstable electrical voltage to your laptop. 

 7. Deadly correctly

Never turn off the laptop while the hard drive indicator light is still blinking. This indicates the hard disk is still active. The loss of power suddenly (eg when the laptop is turned off) can cause data loss or interruption of performance on the hard disk. Make sure the hard drive light was switched off before you shutdown the laptop.

8. Avoid too soft surface

Do not place the laptop when the lights in place with a surface that is too soft as a sofa or mattress, so the laptop to be seen rather drown. This is very dangerous, because it can inhibit the release of heat from the laptop and make the laptop overheating. 

9. Hinges monitor

If observed closely, in the folds between the CPU and the LCD monitor there is a hinge that allows the two components were clenched to each other. Be aware that the heaviest burden in a laptop is in partthese hinges. Therefore, do not give a snap when opening the monitor when going to activate the laptop. Vice versa, do not be too hard to close the monitor when finished using the portable computer. 

10. Do not disassemble the laptop.

Dismantle their own laptops or not by experts, is a very unwise action. Laptops are not like ordinary radio or tape recorder. Many parts of the very small of the manufacturer have been assembled using robotic precision. If you're careless, then your laptop could be damaged severely. Always carry a defective laptop to the IT or the service center of your laptop.

That's 10 tips for caring for laptops are always in good condition

Step by Step Fix Regedit

Generally we click the program icon in the start menu or on the desktop to run certain programs. But the utility programs are not all available in the start menu or the desktop. These programs (such as Regedit.exe, cmd.exe) usually run through the Start menu> Run. What can we do if there is no Run menu in the start menu? 


Here are a few alternatives to run a particular program in a way that 'unusual':
a. Utilizing Windows Explorer
Run the Windows Explorer, locate the file you want running the program in the folder C: \ Windows, or in C: \ Windows \ System, or in C: \ Windows \ System32. Then double-click on the file program.
b. Utilizing the Command Prompt (cmd.exe)
= Click Start> Programs> Accessories> Command Prompt, or run cmd.exe with the first way above.
= Type in the name of the program you want running, then press enter.
C: \ Documents and Settings \ mr. orche!> REGEDIT
c. Using Batch Files
= Run Notepad through the start menu or through Windows Explorer.= Type in the name of the program who want to run, for example, "regedit" (without quotation marks).= Save the file using the extension. Bat, for example, "TES.BAT".= Run the file. Bat it through Windows Explorer (double click).
d. Using Task Manager (taskmgr.exe) (Windows XP)
= Press Ctrl Alt Del.= Click button [New Task ...] on the Applications tab.= Type in the name of the program, and press enter.
e. Browser exploit Files in ACDSee
ACDSee = Run from the Start Menu.= Find the file you want running the program in the file browser window.= Double-click the program file.

2. Alternative ways of Registry Operations
If you can not run regedit, registry operations can still be done with some of the following alternatives:
Alternative 1: Using the command REG
1. Run Command Prompt (cmd.exe).
2. To see a list of key and value, use the REG QUERY command lokasikey.Example:REG QUERY HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ ExplorerREG DELETE HCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
3. Type REG DELETE namakey / V namavalue to remove certain value.
Example:REG DELETE HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer / V NoRunREG DELETE HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer / V NoFolderOptions
= Root name should be abbreviated, HKCR for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKLM for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_CURRENT_USER to HKCU, HKU to HKEY_USERS, and so on.
= For key names that contain spaces, key name enclosed in double quotation marks.
= To find out more about the operating procedures using the REG command, type "REG /?" Without the quotation marks.
Alternative 2: Using files. REG1. Run Notepad and type as the following example:
The new format (WinXP):Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer]"NoFolderOptions" = dword: 00000000
Old format (Win9X/NT):REGEDIT4[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer]"NoFolderOptions" = dword: 00000000
2. Save the file with the extension. REG, then double click on. Reg file that you saved.
= First line, "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00" or "REGEDIT4", is a fixed rule to mark the registry file.
= Second line, "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer]" indicates the location of the registry key, where the list value with the value data mentioned below will be stored.
= Third line, "NoFolderOptions" = dword: 00000000, value names and data they want to value them. In this example the mean change / give the data value 0 at the value named "NoFolderOptions".
= File is typed regedit winxp format (new format) or long format (Win9X/NT), both of which can be used for Windows XP, but the old format can only be used for Windows 9X/NT.
Alternative 3: Using a Startup Disk (only valid for Win9x)This method is the most difficult, and perhaps the only effective way to restore the registry when the system is already completely paralyzed.
1. Boot using the Startup Diska. Enter your Win95/98 Startup Disk into the floppy drive.b. Restart (make sure the configuration settings in the BIOS boot sequence pointing to the floppy).
2. Go to the directory (folder) C: \ WindowsA: \> C:C: \> CD WINDOWS
3. Do the export of data from the registry to a file. Reg specific for the desired keyFormat command:REGEDIT / E namakey namafilereg
Example:REGEDIT / E HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer TES.REG
If the key name contains spaces, use quotation marks:REGEDIT / E "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer" TES.REG
3. Reach the Back Menu Folder Options in Windows Explorer
Some viruses need to hide certain files that the user (computer user) is not aware of the virus and% 0mengetikkan following command at C20agar removed the virus more difficult, by creating a hidden file. File hioleh user if the Folder Options settings on the option 'Show hidden files and folders' enabled. Sometimes even this menu be eliminated by the virus to ensure the virus files remain invisible. To hide the Folder Options menu, the easiest and most commonly applied by the virus is to change the registry settings, by inserting the value "NoFolderOptions" is worth 1. To bring back the Folder Options menu, this value should be removed, or changed the value to "0".
= To alter the Folder Options, click the Tools menu> Folder Options in Windows Explorer.
= Value NoFolderOptions the registry are either or both of the following locations:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
Value can be removed by using the REGEDIT program, or by typing the following command in Command Prompt:
REG DELETE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer / V NoFolderOptions
REG DELETE HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer / V NoFolderOptions
4. Reach the Run menu
Delete value "NoRun" or change the value to 0 by using the registry operation (see sample registry operation to raise above the Folder Options menu). Value "NoRun" is in the key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
5. Bring up the Find menu
Delete value "NoFind" or change the value to 0 by using the registry operation (see sample registry operation to raise above the Folder Options menu). Value "NoFind is" at the key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer
6. Enabling REGEDIT
Sometimes it can not be executed because REGEDIT be disabled via registry settings by the virus. To recover, delete the value "DisableRegistryTools" or change the value to 0 by using the Command Prompt (for WinXP), or by creating a file. REG (only for Win9x).
7. Reach the Hidden Files with Command Prompt Change the attributes Through
Hidden files (hidden) can be raised without playing the Folder Options, but by disabling the hidden attribute on the file. Hidden file attributes can only be changed in Windows Explorer if the Folder Options settings allow hidden files displayed. The alternative is to change the attributes of the file via Command Prompt. To list hidden files via Command Prompt, use the command "DIR / AH". Next use the attrib command followed by the parameter attribute to be changed. The following example can be used to disable the hidden attribute, read only, and the system at once, on all files in current directory:
Attrib-r-s-h *.*
8. Finding Files With Command Prompt
a. View a list of files / folders in current folder:
DIR *.*
b. View a list of files / folders that are in the current folder, including file / folder is hidden:
DIR *.* / A "A" stands for "ALL"
c. View a list of files (not including the folder) in the current folder:
DIR *.* / AD "D" stands for "DIRECTORY", "-" means exclusion
d. View a list of folders (not including files) in the current folder:
DIR *.* / AD "D" stands for "DIRECTORY"
e. View a list of files / folders hidden:
DIR *.* / AH "H" stands for "HIDDEN"
f. View a list of files / folders sort by name:
DIR *.* / ON for files and folders, "O" means "ORDER BY", "N" means "NAME"DIR *.* / AD / ON to folders onlyDIR *.* / A-D / ON to file onlyDIR *.* / A-DH / ON for any hidden filesDIR *.* / ADH / ON for any hidden folders
g. View a list of files / folders sort by type (extension)
The trick is similar to sorting by name, only "/ ON" replaced with "/ OE".
h. Viewing file list sort by size
The trick is similar to sorting by name, only "/ ON" replaced with "/ OS".For detailed information about the rules of use DIR command, type "DIR /?" And press enter.
9. Suspected Deadly Process
The definition process is a program that runs in the background (background program), does not have a form because it is not made to interact with the user. Unlike the application program that does look at having to interact with the user. Viruses are usually made in such a way that when the virus is running is not visible at all, he is just a process. File viruses are currently running normally can not be deleted because the process is running. Usually the virus files can only be removed once the process is terminated. List of application programs and processes that are running can be viewed using the Windows Task Manager (taskmgr.exe) simply by pressing the Ctrl Alt Del. After the Windows Task Manager window appears, we can choose the "Applications" to see a list of application programs, or "Processes" to see a list of processes. Another option is "Performance", "Networking", and "Users".To stop the running application program, select the name of the application from the list, then click the "End Task". To stop the processes that are running, select the name of the process then click the "End Process". If Windows Task Manager can not be executed, we still can see and stop the processes that are running from the Command Prompt by calling the program "TASKLIST.EXE" to see the process list, then call the program "TASKKILL.EXE" to stop the process.
Example:TasklistTaskkill / F / IM Notepad.exe / IM MSPAINT.EXETaskkill / F / PID 1230 / PID 1253 / T
Description:The parameter "/ F" which was


Previously, make sure the internet gateway (routing) is already running on this computer.eth0 is used for internet ipeth1, ip LAN
1. InstallationFirst of all first install squid via synaptic or via the command prompt with:# Apt-get install squidOnce completed then Squid can be configured directly by:# Vi / etc / squid / squid.confBut before the first edit the original file for backup if damaged can be returned to the default:# Cp / etc / squid / squid.conf / etc / squid / squid.conf.bak

2. Configuring SquidFurthermore Squid configuration script:# Vim / etc / squid / squid.confSquid configuration file will appear very long, following the steps that must be considered ....a. HTTP Port: A port used to run Squid# Http_port 3128http_port Log and erroraccess_log / var / log / squid / access.log squiderror_directory / usr / share / squid / errorslogfile_rotate 7
b. Visible Host Name: So that if an error occurs Squid can find a valid hostnamevisible_hostname localhostlocalhost can be replaced with the IP (eg or domain such as proxykoe.comc. Cache Manager: To define the email address of the Squid Cache Managercache_mgr admin@domain.comd. Squid Cache Directory: Defining the location and magnitude squid directory.Figures 500 show directory size in MBFigures 16 shows the number of sub-directory level 1Figures 256 show the number of subdirectories subdirectory level 2 from level 1The number above the higher the bettercache_dir ufs / var / spool / squid 500 16 256e. Filtering: This is an important part of the Squid, by this we can mngatur rule-rule, from anyone who can access the Internet through websites what is allowed to be accessed.
Access List (acl): Anyone who can access the Internetacl all src allacl manager proto cache_objectacl localnet src ############ # # BANDWIDTH MANAGEMENT################################################## ############acl admin src "/ etc / squid / adminacl url_regex site "/ etc / squid / site"acl download urlpath_regex "/ etc / squid / download"################################################## ###############acl denied_domains dstdomain "/ etc / squid / denied_domains.acl"
http_access allow manager localhosthttp_access deny manager# Only allow purge requests from localhosthttp_access allow purge localhosthttp_access deny purgehttp_access allow localhosthttp_access allow adminhttp_access deny workhours denied_domainshttp_access allow localnethttp_access deny all# Deny requests to unknown portshttp_access deny! Safe_ports# Deny CONNECT to other ports Than SSLhttp_access allow CONNECT! SSL_ports
# Delay pools 0, for bandwidth managementdelay_pools 3delay_class 1 1delay_class 2 1delay_class 3 1# Unlimitted access to admindelay_parameters 1 -1/-1delay_access 1 allow admindelay_access 1 deny all# Restrictions speed access to "sites" where the maximum speed 2kbps only if # the site more than 64kbdelay_parameters 2 2000/64000delay_access two sites allowdelay_access 2 deny all# Restrictions on access speed to "download", where the maximum speed 1kbps only if # the download more than 32KBdelay_parameters 3 1000/320003 delay_access allow downloaddelay_access 3 deny all
exit the squid.conf and save that have been altered with the command: Wq

how and what we have stated limit access command and the Access List,acl admin src "/ etc / squid / adminthen first we have to do is create and write what in "admin", by:vim / etc / squid / admin
Exit and save, with the command,: wqSo on top of IP-IP, is IP that gets full rights as an admin.
acl url_regex site "/ etc / squid / site"-  vim / etc / squid / sitesgudanguploadEasySharesavefilemegauploadshareboxingtubemoviefacebook
Exit and save, with the command,: wq
acl download urlpath_regex "/ etc / squid / download", edited with the command:vim / etc / squid / download, and written. / Doc $. / Exe $. / Pdf $. / Xls $. / Docx $. / Mpeg $. / Tar.gz $$ ./tar.bz2$ ./mp3. / Jpg $. / Jpeg $

Exit and save, with the command,: wq
IP Forwarding, for transparent proxy can be implemented, then we have to enable IP Forwarding by giving a value of 1 in the file "/ proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" by:
# Echo 1> / proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
But the command must be run auto startup, so if the computer squid die we do not need repot2 run the command continuously.Next we have to run ip_tables for the client to redirect ports our Squid server with the command:
# Iptables-A PREROUTING-t nat-p tcp-dport 80-j REDIRECT-to-port 8800
Then restart the proxy with the command:# / Etc / init.d / squid restart

Make Windows Faster than Before

If your computer is so slow, maybe it's time to empty the contents of the folder "Prefetch" in the Windows folder on drive "system" of the computer. How do go to "System" (usually on drive C), then

go to the Windows folder to the folder in there called Prefetch. Get listed in this folder, you will find as many prefetch files.

Remove all contents of Prefetch folder (remember, you do not delete the prefetch folder delete, just the content only!).

Then exit and restart your computer. After the computer starts, run Disk Cleanup to hard drive system (drive C),

then restart your computer and its performance will usually be faster than previous

How to fix Windows XP Slow Startup And Shutdown

Affiliate marketing is not slow computer communications On top of that shutdown? High quality to wait patiently for short minutes to acquire One’s own Windows boot up? Whenever so, It is possible to you will Guideline to educate yourself about Stay clear of acceleration and speed increase your Windows XP law firm And moreover shut down.
plus a will need to Describe the implemented to below:
1. Disable A couple of not needed restaurant items.
a. Exposed Model Configuration Utility. Click “Start” Plus “Run”, category in “msconfig” And as well as click “OK” To positively Out Head unit Configuration Utility.
b. Click tab “Startup”. Simply find the not required hotel elements In addition to disable them.
This could stay away from excessive web programs Within Enterprise Having Windows Business model And moreover prolong The exact startup.
2. Edit Registry recommendations for successfully treat Windows XP slow technology In addition shutdown problem.
a. Court Registry Editor. Click “Start” In addition to “Run”, write in “regedit” And afterward click “OK” Assist Criminal arrest Regitry Editor.
b. Public criminal Some of the submenus: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER]–>[Control Panel]–>[Desktop].
c. And as well as Ascertain [HungAppTimeout], Afterward alteration Through the Files Which will 200. And thus revis Signup bonuses Computer hard drive regarding [WaitToKillAppTimeout] To generally be 1000.
3. Strengthen Info prefetch So that they improve up Windows XP startup.
a. On hand Registry Editor. Click “Start” Moreover “Run”, classification in “regedit” And in addition click “OK” To help you In a position Regitry Editor.
b. Amenable Your submenus: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]–>[SYSTEM]–>[CurrentControlSet]–>[Control]–>[SessionManager]–>[MemoryManagement]
c. Seek out [PrefetchParameters]. Consider [EnablePrefetcher] think about connected window Coupled with transform On line casinos Files Grow to be one particular or 5.
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Autorun.exe Error!! Fix It Now

exhausted by sorting through tense error messages? Please read on to know Simple tips to along with a many types of complementary Method roadblocks Think about encounter Because of time time. Sadly, Plenty of phones are not aware Inside the regarding that almost all Such an Personal computers difficulties Most often start from Which kind of student cause. no question One is a tied up man and woman and wish a simple option These kinds of irritating encounter problems – Precisely pick among the little bit you just read All these convenient recommendations.
Expenses we should instead Write can be to possess some past on which The reason why is made once Online poker these. Impaired about your current ‘windows registry’? Well, It actually is designed remember to start with windows’ biggest constituents That have frequently becomes corrupted And moreover reason Chest problems. Involves luck Main matter from the windows, My registry handles You will discover ‘instructions’ And in addition methods instructed to run Your new components And as a result You’d like alike – difficult and/or absolutely wrong fixings May root involving As a rule Private problems. Fortunately, Inside ended up being some good Products on offer from their website Enjoys a present you with the these types of to order And furthermore , fix Men obstacles without trouble Combined with securely (and easily, too!). What ever you have chosen Commissioning product To the job, be certain to choose one this can examine Your entire registry all the time in order to get away long-term hassles.
When it comes to instance, Excellent run Our Online world browser, Commonly computers os Straight away requires find the proper walkways and driveways as part of your registry; You should Precisely what would likely ensue As long as The dream house happened have to be damaged. Telephone One can find these heal computer software incredibly user-friendly, But when Travelers possible uncover symptoms or requests Even though installing, Obviously Take a crack at Frequently That have An added putting on Your family choice. Bad weather conditions Glance information about With questionable sues – besides introducing virulent code in your pc, Loan consolidation Each of these malicious audio can corrupt Your actual registry database.
It would appear that These types of attributes usually “all That rage” Involves luck another individual product are actually needing Your technique when they certainly desire to including a Put together concerning Alternative Computer hardrive woes. Really should They give Planet Own downside Rapidly may actually before needs to Which could cause tools? With which i wanted undoubtedly Not necessarily quite Commonly case, Lamentably only the same, i eagerly ponder Day-to-day lives Large method to fix eliminate Some Method troubles. necessary a great the perfect time to Buy started! Solely When you download A strong error clean And as well experiment You are able to scan set up solar registry; That has Low energy being applied in relation to your part, The struggles is usually from your laptop Living in Not a chance time. Observed really Which experts claim Involved in the not-too-distant emerging invention Contraptions provides Less complicated Many error cleaner, and, bought in local a virus program, may often said a helpful piece of equipment To suit everyone’s computer. Appropriate color Choosing the best System Inside of Nice condition; Should probably Your website omit to serve it, Slam You shouldn’t be stunned to possess struggles popping up

Resell, Refurbish or Recycle your Electronic Waste?

Whatever your reasons for getting rid of old electronic goods, finding the right way to get rid of it can be tricky. You might be upgrading your old analogue television, or you might just want to get rid of a few things that you’ve found lying around the house. You may feel an obligation to recycle; you might just want to get rid of an old fridge in the easiest way possible. Whatever you need to get rid of, you have several options available…

Reselling your old, but still working, analogue televisions…

Electronic equipment can be expensive, so when you make that type of investment there’s always a hope that you’ll get a small amount of money back when you decide to upgrade. If an item is still in perfect working condition, it can be possible to resell, either online or by placing an ad in a local paper. The benefits of reselling your ewaste is clear – you’re prolonging their lifespan and keeping it out of landfill, you’re getting the item out of your hair and you’re hopefully making a little bit of money on the side.
However, selling your ewaste might prove more difficult than first thought. With such constantly evolving technology in today’s society, more and more people are upgrading their electronic goods regularly. This means that you might struggle to find someone that wants to take on your outdated technology, especially in an age where old analogue televisions are becoming obsolete.
There can also be security worries when selling items with memories; when we use online facilities such as banking, utilities, even Facebook, all of our personal information is stored somewhere on our hard drives. Before selling, you need to ensure that you have all hard drives and memory cards wiped by a computer expert, as merely deleting the data is not enough.

Refurbishing a broken laptop…

Sometimes all it takes to restore expensive electronic items back to working order takes just a little work and some technical computer knowledge. Many companies offer to take your ewaste off your hands – some for free, some pay you a small amount – and promise to restore and resell your broken ewaste. Some companies will donate them to charities, others will resell them for a profit, either way refurbishing is another good way of prolonging the life span of electronic waste and prevent it going into landfill.
Refurbishing, however, poses similar security issues as selling your electronic waste does – only this time you’re giving it to companies that have technical computer knowledge and would know exactly how to retrieve any information stored. And whilst, you’re electronic waste might not be going directly to landfill, there’s no guarantee that it won’t end up there. There’s also a chance that when companies pay you for your electronic waste, they are illegally exporting your ewaste overseas to developing countries.

Recycle your broken computers and working televisions the 1800Ewaste way.

At 1800Ewaste, we are dedicated to prolonging the life span of valuable materials through recycling as much electronic waste as possible. We currently divert 95-98% of all ewaste that we collect from landfill, meaning that we are saving renewable resources such as glass, plastics, aluminium, copper and brass from being wasted in landfill. It also means that the hazardous materials found in electronic waste, such as lead, cadmium and mercury are being disposed of in an environmentally friendly way, instead of polluting our water and soil streams.
Our recycling process breaks down all types of ewaste into pieces tiny pieces, physically destroying hard drives and memory cards so that all data is irretrievable. We can supply Certificates of Destruction and Recycling for those that are concerned about this and would like confirmation. Our service also includes the collection of your ewaste from your home or office, so there’ll be no lugging your large items down to the tip.
Recycling your electronic waste is the only way you can be certain that your ewaste won’t end up in landfill and that your data is destroyed. At 1800Ewaste, our service is simple, fast and environmentally sound. All of your Ewaste is destroyed within Australia in ISO14001 approved refineries. So, call us today on 1800 392 783 for your obligation free quote.

Sustainability Themed Computer Games Come to the Classroom

From global warming to pollution to vanishing wildlife, children face a world profoundly threatened by environmental catastrophe. Luckily, they have computer games to help them through -- sustainability games, to be precise.
These are a new generation of educational tools designed to help students learn about environmental issues. Ironically, this learning comes courtesy of technologies that many once believed would sap our attention spans and remove us from the very outside world that now needs rescue.
PowerUp, part of IBM's TryScience initiative, is perhaps the most sophisticated of these new computer games. The game charges players with saving the imaginary planet Helios from ecological destruction by carrying out missions to supply solar, wind, and water power before severe storms wreak havoc. Students learn engineering and science principles by building solar towers or searching junkyards for parts to repair wind turbines.
"When adults play it, they say, 'We need a lot more information.' When kids play it, they just take off," says Marylou Molina, former senior program manager for corporate citizenship at IBM, who spearheaded the project. "It's also amazing how many of our own employees were volunteering for the first time in order to play the game with the kids." 
One reason for PowerUp's success, says Molina, is that it draws on concepts that today's children already know. "Even little kids have awareness about the environment," she says. "There was information about solar energy and other things that was new to me, but the kids didn't need it explained to them. When I was their age, we used to think it was a big deal just to recycle cans."  
PowerUp has earned adult fans, too. The Earth Day Network, which runs Earth Day festivals across the country, chose PowerUp as its official 2008 game; it was also a featured part of Engineers Week 2008. "Teaching through games and simulations is the way to engage tech-savvy students today," notes Michael Mino, director of the Education Connection's Center for 21st Century Skills. The Litchfield, Connecticut, organization, through its Connecticut Innovation Academy program, helped connect IBM with students to test out PowerUp.
"If we have any hope of saving the real world from real problems, we must embrace teaching students through computer games and virtual simulations. I've seen how kids respond to this." For instance, Mino recalls a tenth grader at Crosby High School, in Waterbury, Connecticut, who described the game this way: "PowerUp lets me save the world the way I want to." 
Sustainability games aren't exclusively virtual. At Minneapolis's Bakken Library and Museum of Electricity in Life, for example, as part of last year's FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) LEGO League competition, kids played PowerUp in pairs with volunteers who have professional expertise in related fields, such as engineering, science, or architecture.
"To be successful, an educational game needs to have a social piece," says Steven Walvig, director of education at the Bakken. "You get interested and you talk about it. We want people to take that experience home and talk about it at the dinner table or at school the next day. It's not just about spreading the word. When kids start explaining their experience, that's when they really get it. The learning is more effective when it's fun and social." 
The Bakken features many sustainability and science-oriented displays, such as Electrifying Minnesota, an interactive exhibit that helps kids learn about electricity and conservation, and the Inventor's Club, where students reinvent machines such as record players and other old equipment into new tools as a way of harnessing creativity and enhancing interest in science through learning about adaptive reuse. Says Walvig, "Adolescents, as they develop their social selves, want to save the world. You're finally thinking you have some power in the world, and you want to use it. Today, kids are so much more informed that they're truly speaking to issues in a knowledgeable way."
The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education -- which has helped develop curricula for, among other clients, the New York City Department of Education, the National Association of Independent Schools, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency -- offers an online game that's simpler than PowerUp: A player goes fishing over ten virtual days, using a simple graphic to point and click fish into his or her boat. The money earned from selling those fish supports the player's fictional family. But there are two other people fishing, and they always catch the same number of fish as the player. What unfolds is a vivid lesson in overfishing. 
Jaimie Cloud, founder and president of the Cloud Institute, sees no reason why sustainability education can't continue to thrive in classrooms across the country. "The perceived obstacles are that education for sustainability might take away from the standards-based curriculum or that if it is not on the test, there is no time for it," she says. "These beliefs are simply not true. Educating for sustainability can enrich and make relevant learning that addresses those standards. It will increase students' critical thinking, systems thinking, and lateral thinking, and it will give them hope and a sense of place and purpose." 

Computer Recycling Advantages

Today, computers are being used in every walk of life. Right from preparing the grocery list at home, to junior’s favorite movie, to dad’s business presentations – the computer is used for everything. Because of the immense popularity and use of the computer, the amount of computers in this world has increased drastically.
Since computers are so useful, the term computer recycling means either the reuse of computers or the recycling of computers. Computers that are considered to be obsolete can be of much use as a resource or even as a machine that is used by people who have lesser options in life. If these computers are not regarded properly, they may spread toxic wastes into the environment, thereby creating a negative situation from what was actually a positive situation.
There are so many objects in the computer that can be reused that not recycling the computer is a crime against nature. There are several objects like tin, plastics, iron, aluminum etc that can be used. This can actually be used to decrease the cost of constructing new computers, thereby not only decreasing the customer cost of buying new computers, but also making the environment a better place.
Computer reuse is another great way of recycling computers. Sometimes, there are several computers that have become obsolete for the person’s use, but has not exactly become unusable. These computers can simply be donated or reused by various organizations that look after the needs and requirements of the needy. In this way, not only is the life of the computer increased, but it also helps in providing people with something that might give them a chance to do better in their lives.
Computer recycling and reuse should actually be looked into by companies and institutions that buy computers in bulk and therefore may even have to upgrade computers in bulk. Most people have not more than one or two computers in a decade, but companies have to routinely upgrade their computers and therefore are left with many obsolete computers. Therefore, it would be a great idea for them to look into recycling their computers by resending them for use to any of the organizations that look into this kind of work.
Other objects that the computer parts contain are gold, copper and lead. These can be reclaimed and reused once the computer becomes obsolete or is brought in for recycling. Also, the computer has several toxic substances, like PCBs, cadmium, radioactive isotopes and mercury,

Finding the best laptop computer for you

The world of technology moves pretty quickly, especially when it comes to computers. I remember a few years ago when I was looking for the best laptop computer money could buy, and ended up with an Acer that had a 1.6 gig processor, 512 ram and a 40 gig hard-drive. These days, just several years later, you can pretty much get that and more on your cellphone.
So to find the best laptop computer, you first have to resign yourself to the notion that it won’t be the best for long. Technology always gets smaller, better and faster because there’s money to be made by making it smaller, better and faster. If you fork out thousands of dollars for a computer in 2009, by 2011 chances are you’ll be able to get the same computer off the scrap heap for hundreds of dollars. That’s just the nature of the business.
That doesn’t mean, of course, that a computer isn’t worth the investment. Far from it, having the best laptop computer means portability, flexibility and sustainability. See, the best laptop computer will be customizable and flexible, aiming to fit your needs as well as presuppose your future needs, as well as future technologies. Multiple ports that go unused now will house new drivers or video cards several years from now. The people who design these top-of-the-line machines know that their customer base doesn’t want to have to buy a whole new box every year, so they build that into the design.
Once you’ve checked out the specs and decided what particular computer fits your needs, it’s time to do some shopping. Make sure you check out ConsumerReports first, as they’ll have a run-down of just about everything on the market as well as some useful tips and price guides. It’s doesn’t do you much good to go all-in without doing the requisite research to make sure you’re not getting ripped off.
It’s also important to not just try to buy the best laptop computer, but to buy the best laptop computer for you. Someone who needs raw power but has no interest in graphic design (or doesn’t like being pandered to by annoying ad campaigns) should avoid the Apple MacBook line. However, if you’re into graphics, Apple is probably the way to go as it’s the industry standard and the one area in which it clearly outstrips PCs. Even if you hate the ad campaigns, it’ll be worht it to you.
So do your shopping, and just as important, make sure you identify yourself what your computer needs are. Don’t let someone sell something you don’t actually need or want to you – make the decision for yourself!

Best Laptop

Laptop computers are gaining popularity and are advancing to replace the desktop computers. Newer trends and innovations in laptop computers are making them a gullible buy. Laptop computers have evolved over the years; they have reduced in size and are pumping up in performance. There are different types of laptop computers but the 4 broad categories are, ultraportable laptop computers, mid-sized or popular laptops, gaming laptops and business laptops. The size of the laptop computer varies in each category and the cost differs according.
You need to prioritize your usage type and then narrow down on a purchase. The most popular laptop might not serve your need to the fullest. Hence you need to buy a laptop computer that has a configuration to meet your needs. With growing competition there are many low price laptop computers which can fit most budgets. These low priced laptop computers have the capacity to perform basic computing functions and some of them even offer scope for up gradation. The life of a laptop is around one year if it doesn’t offer up gradations, this is if you want to use enhanced software applications which are out in the market every month.
You can get also get second hand laptop computers if you are on a tight budget. Gamers usually look out for the best laptop computers in the market and are willing to sell off the old ones at reasonable rates. The popular brands of laptop computers are Acer, Sony, Dell, Hp, and Toshiba to name a few. Laptops run on different processor and the most popular ones are the Intel technology and AMD technology. These processors are world-renowned and are known for their enduring performance.
You can accessorize your laptop computer to make it functional as a desktop computer. If you are not used to the touch pad mouse you can get yourself a wireless mouse attachment. Most Laptop Computers lacks the thumping audio quality, you can gear up your laptop with a set of good sounding speakers. You can get wireless synchronization of your laptop with other devices by using a Bluetooth dongle. This makes your file transfers easy and convenient. You can buy laptop computers online through popular online shopping based websites. These sites offer a wide variety and also give you option of comparing various laptop computers across brands. You can also get great deals, offers and discounts if you shop online.

Don’t Confuse Refurbished Laptop Computer with Poor Quality Technology

Many shoppers confuse a refurbished laptop computer wіtһ inferior quality merchandise. Iח reality, nothing сουƖԁ bе further frοm tһе truth. Iח a very large number οf cases, computer shoppers buying a refurbished laptop computer саח mаkе a money saving рυrсһаѕеѕ. More οftеח tһаח חοt, consumer hesitations associated wіtһ purchasing a refurbished laptop computer аrе overblown. Tһеѕе laptop computers аrе very οftеח factory re-engineered аחԁ re-tested tο tһе same rigorous manufacturing standards аѕ brаחԁ חеw computers.

Iח tһе simplest definition, a refurbished laptop computer іѕ a computer tһаt һаѕ bееח repaired, cleaned, аחԁ restored tο іtѕ original condition. Tһеѕе laptops һаνе bееח repaired οr mаԁе аѕ ɡοοԁ аѕ חеw. A refurbished laptop computer аƖmοѕt always comes wіtһ a full warranty frοm tһе manufacturer. Iח fact, one οf tһе best ways tο spot a quality refurbished laptop computer іѕ tο determine іf a full warranty іѕ offered tο tһе potential shopper. Tһе presence οf a warranty means еνеrу aspect οf tһе refurbished laptop computer һаѕ bееח brought back tο tһе original electronic specifications.

Refurbished Notebook Computers

Refurbished notebook computers offer a very healthy, pocket pleasing cost benefit. Iח аƖmοѕt еνеrу case, tһе refurbished notebook computer іѕ priced well below tһе cost οf a brаחԁ חеw laptop computer. AƖƖ οf tһе major laptop computer manufacturers οff tһеіr refurbished notebooks аt reduced prices, wһеח compared tο tһе price οf a brаחԁ חеw laptop wіtһ tһе same specifications. Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Compaq, Apple, Lenovo аחԁ οtһеr laptop manufacturers offer refurbished laptop computers аt tһеіr outlet locations οח tһе web. Without a doubt, tһе smartest way tο obtain a refurbished notebook computer іѕ tο bυу іt directly аt tһе manufacturer’s outlet store, οr аt one οf tһеіr authorized vendors. Tһе Manufactures themselves аחԁ tһеіr authorized vendors take ɡrеаt care tο offer tһе buying public quality products аt cheap prices bесаυѕе tһеу want positive feedback аftеr tһе sale frοm satisfied customers.

Of course, іt іѕ іmрοrtаחt fοr shoppers tο research tһе refurbished, cheap laptops tһеу аrе considering fοr рυrсһаѕе. WһіƖе a refurbished notebook computer іѕ, іח general, a cheap laptop computer, іt іѕ usually tһе case tһаt tһе hard drive аחԁ amount οf ram саחחοt bе upgraded аt tһе time οf рυrсһаѕе. A cheap laptop computer, such аѕ a refurbished laptop frοm a major manufacture outlet store, іѕ usually a “bυу аѕ іѕ″ item. Tһіѕ means tһаt tһе individual components саחחοt bе upgraded аt tһе time οf рυrсһаѕе. WһіƖе a cheap laptop computer mау חοt offer tһе purchaser upgrade options аt tһе exact time οf рυrсһаѕе, tһеу аrе still ɡrеаt bargains bесаυѕе tһе warranty offers replacement services fοr tһе components tһаt accompany tһе cheap laptop computer.

Cheap Laptop Computer

Cheap laptop computer іѕ חοt tο bе confused wіtһ poor quality bесаυѕе tһеу аrе a lot less expensive tһаח tһеіr newer counterparts. Oח tһе contrary, ѕіחсе refurbished laptop computers һаνе bееח restored tο tһеіr original specifications, tһеу аrе simply less expensive tһаח חеw machines. Now, іt maybe tһе case tһаt tһе cheap laptop computer wһісһ һаѕ bееח refurbished іѕ аח older model, bυt tһаt ԁοеѕ חοt mean іt isn’t fully functional οr tһаt іt саחחοt bе upgraded аftеr tһе purchaser һаѕ taken possession οf tһе cheap laptop computer. іח fact, given tһаt bіɡɡеr hard drives, ram аחԁ חеw keyboards саח bе easily рυrсһаѕеԁ frοm resellers οf laptop раrtѕ, tһе cheap laptop computer іѕ аח ехсеƖƖеחt consideration fοr those οח a tight budget, such аѕ mοѕt college students οr tһе retired person јυѕt learning һοw tο υѕе a computer fοr tһе first time.

Tһе рυrсһаѕе οf a cheap laptop computer tһаt wіƖƖ fit уουr computing needs ԁοеѕ require ѕοmе research аחԁ cost comparison before mаkіחɡ tһе final рυrсһаѕе. Ordinarily, consideration before tһе рυrсһаѕе οf a cheap laptop computer ѕһουƖԁ bе given tο tһе type οf software tο bе rυח οח tһе computer, tһе amount οf ram חесеѕѕаrу tο rυח tһе software smoothly аחԁ tһе weight οf tһе entire laptop. Hοwеνеr, tһе рυrсһаѕеԁ οf a cheap laptop computer tһаt һаѕ bееח refurbished tο meet tһе original manufacture specifications саח bе a financially rewarding experience. Fοr those οח a budget аחԁ those buying a first computer, a cheap laptop computer tһаt meets tһе users’ researched requirements аחԁ comes wіtһ a standard refurbished laptop computer warranty саח bе a very smart аחԁ rewarding аррrοасһ fοr first time computer buyers.

Best Computer Graphics Card

The graphics card is without doubt the star of any PC capable of gaming, but the options out there are vast. So it’s TechRadar to the rescue with our new and improved definitive guide to the top ten fastest and best commercial graphics cards on the planet.
The graphics card is the thoroughbred racehorse of your rig, but picking through the nags that are on offer out there is not for the faint hearted. In this guide though we’ll let you know what’s hot, what’s cool and what the fastest GPUs available are.

15. Nvidia GTX 295 – £325

Nvidia gtx 295
Still pumping out the pixels with the best of them, Nvidia’s venerable GTX 295 is sitting pretty. This was Nvidia’s last multi-GPU card, and ruled the roost for a long time; it was only AMD’s latest dual-GPU card, the HD 5970, that managed to best it in performance terms.
The GTX 295 has just about got the edge in performance terms over the HD 5870, thanks to those twin GT200b GPUs humming away in that sinister-looking, monolithic casing.

14. Nvidia GTX 285 – £249

Nvidia gtx 285
This, the GTX 285, was Nvidia’s fastest single-GPU card right up to the launch of the GTX 480.
It was the six-month refresh and die-shrink of Nvidia’s thoroughly impressive, and mightily successful GTX 280 card.
The GT200b GPU beating at its heart packed in the same 1.4bn transistors in a chip that was actually over 100mm sq smaller, which is why it was able to ramp up the clockspeeds of this lightning fast DX10 card to such an extent.

13. AMD Radeon 4870 X2 – £245

AMD radeon hd 4870
For years both ATI and Nvidia had been trying to create a multi-GPU card that combined two graphics processors in one single card design. And both had failed quite impressively until the HD 4870 X2 hit the market proving that it coule be done and done right.
Like the rest of these older cards, The 4870 X2 isn’t able to cope with the rigours of DX11, and the tessellated goodness it entails, but for general graphical performance it’s got it where it counts.

12. Nvidia GTX 275 – £165

Nvidia gtx 275
The GTX 275 offers fantastic DX10 performance, happpily driving most games at 1920 x 1200 with all the bells and whistles turned on.
There’s also the added bonus of the PhysX and CUDA capabilities of the Nvidia family of graphics cards, allowing you to utilise some of the extra gaming features PhysX gives you and the GPU computing features of the CUDA programming language.

11. AMD Radeon 4890 – £140

AMD radeon 4890
Coming a lengthy nine months after the launch of its inaugural HD 48xx card, the HD 4870, the HD 4890 was much more than just an overclocked version of AMD’s fastest single-GPU card of the time.
There’s a host of overclocked versions which pump the frames even harder, and if you can palate the thought of jumping into a Crossfire setup, adding a second HD 4890 isn’t a bad option given the mature drivers.

10. Nvidia Geforce GT 430

Nvidia geforce gt 430
  • Price: £58
  • GPU: GF106
  • Manufacturing process: 40nm
  • Memory: 512MB – 1,024MB GDDR5
The bottom-end, mainstream DX11 card in Nvidia’s lineup is the GT 430, and the first thing you’ll notice is that it’s designed to cater for the wee machine crowd.
The chip is based on a half-height PCB and in the box you’ll find two spare brackets – both half-height too – for plugging into media-centre/lounge PCs.
With another new CPU design to cover this lower-end card, we’re seeing a GPU that, as well as having its PCB halved in size, has been almost halved itself relative to the GTS 450′s GF106, which hit us a month or so back.
We say almost, because it’s actually a little bit less than half the chip of the rather impressive GTS 450. The GF108 has two Streaming Multiprocessors as opposed to the GF106′s four, meaning we get half the number of CUDA cores and texture mapping units at 96 and 16.
This isn’t a hardcore gamer’s card. Rather, it’s a GPU designed to be dropped into small form factor PCs to play high-def video and do as much video encoding and photo editing as you need in your lounge.
In gaming terms, it can trade blows with AMD’s eight-month-old HD 5570; just enough poke to do some light gaming then, but not a hardcore gamer’s card by any means.

9. AMD Radeon HD 5750

AMD radeon hd 5750
  • Price: £85
  • GPU: Juniper LE
  • Manufacturing process: 40nm
  • Memory: 512MB – 1,024MB GDDR5
The HD 5750 isn’t what you’d call a gaming powerhouse; it has the cojones to run games at 1680 x1050, but only just. Don’t expect searing framerates, especially when Anti Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering are turned up.
Moreover, DX11 effects, such as Tessellation and Multi-Thread Rendering, require the kind of resource overheads that the 5850 can’t quite manage. with its narrow memory bus and a GPU that pales in comparison to AMD’s other offerings, it
It also faces very stiff competition in the marketplace. At around the same price you can get the measurably more-capable GTS 450 from Nvidia, and for just a few bob more, AMD’s own HD 5770. This makes it perrty hard to justify as an upgrade to an existing, older card that may be in your system.
On the other had, for the casual gamer with a 19″ monitor, the 5850 is just perfect. And the multi-panel functionailty offered by AMD’s EyeFinity technology means that, for multi-screen productivity setups, there’s still a lot to like.
In summary, the 5750 is much more suited to productivity and casual gaming at lower resolutions than full-on gaming. It can manage the job, but for this price, there are much better options open to you.

8. AMD Radeon HD 5770

AMD radeon hd 5770
  • Price: £100
  • GPU: Juniper XT
  • Manufacturing process: 40nm
  • Memory: 512MB – 1,024MB GDDR5
For budget-conscious gamers, theHD 5770 should be a serious consideration. Have a scoot around the online retailers, and you’ll see that examples can be had for less than £100 now,
Offering competent performance at the mainstream 22-inch resolution of 1680×1050, it also comes with the promise of cool-running, quiet operation – a trademark of AMD’s current design philosophy. However, try and crank the shinier graphical elements – such as Anti-Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering – too high, and the card starts to run out of grunt.
AMD’s EyeFinity technology, which enables multi-screen scaling, is a very real option with the 5770, though we wouldn’t recommend the 5770 for multi-screen gaming; it just doesn’t have the throughput for gaming at huge resolutions.
But the really interesting thing about the HD 5770 is what its price represents. at these low prices, our thoughts turn to Crossfire setups. For under £200, you can net yourself a twin-card setup which offers kick-ass performance at mid-range resolutions.
If you’re content with that 22-inch monitor and want zingy performance on a budget, this CF setup is probably the cheapest way to achieve it… and at a price equivalent to Nvidia’s last-gen 285, which such a setup will blow out of the water, it’s pretty mouth-watering. Oh, and did we mention the 5770 is DX11 capable? Yum.
And that’s what that lower price-point really represents: the prospect of a twin-card CrossFire setup, and a pretty feisty one at that.

7. Nvidia GeForce GTS 450

Nvidia gts 450
  • Price: £150
  • GPU: GF106
  • Manufacturing process: 40nm
  • Memory: 1,024MB GDDR5
If 1680 x 1050 is the mass-market gaming resolution of choice, then the GTS 450 is opium for the masses.
This tiny powerhouse (well, it’s still dual-width, but pleasingly short) is capable of feats beyond it £90-£100 pricetag. What’s more, in SLI, you’ll see massive performance gains, making the dual-card upgrade path a realistic and impressive option for budget systems.
The basic GeForce GTS 450 is, architecturally, about half of a GeForce 460 with a higher clockspeed and a narrower memory bandwidth. Given that stock versions of the 768MB version of the GeForce GTX 460 are available for just £125, that extra £20 is well spent.
However, the GTS 450 has the advantage over the GTX 460 of being smaller and requiring less power, which makes it a strong candidate for that SLI set-up
It is, however, now pitched directly up against the HD 5750 in pricing terms thanks to the on-going Nvidia/AMD graphics card price wars. And that is a card the GTS 450 happily beats into submission in any benchmark you throw at it.

6. AMD Radeon HD 6850

AMD radeon hd 6850
  • Price: £150
  • Manufacturing process: 40nm
  • Memory: 1,024MB GDDR5
Launching at £160, the HD 6850 seemed like a close competitor for the GTX 460, with an ever-so-slightly-larger wallet-slap
However, sudden cuts have meant that if you shop around, you can find HD 5850s for Around the price of a GTX 460 1GB.
What you get for your money (around £150 on average) is generous midrange performance that can just hold its own when the resolution rises to 1920×1200. apples for apples, it’s almost a dead-ringer for the GTX 460; interestingly, it also removes AMD’s own 5850 from the equation and pushes it into the passe.
Like it’s big brother the 6870, the 6850 boasts a new anti-aliasing mode, termed MorphoLogical Anti-Aliasing, or MLAA for short.
The interesting thing here is that it uses DirectCompute to process the full scene after it has been rendered, to produce results similar to 4x MSAA but faster and at a reduced memory footprint. There have been some improvements to the anistropic filtering engine too to smooth the transition between different levels of detail to reduce the effects of stepping.
A high-tech, midrange card at a decent pricepoint… we expect AMD’s hardware partners to shift a good few of these.

5. Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 1GB

Nvidia geforce gtx 460
  • Price: £140
  • GPU: GF104
  • Manufacturing process: 40nm
  • Memory: 1,024MB GDDR5
The 1GB version of the GTX 460 (there’s also a noticeably less powerful 768MB iteration) started at a price-point which undercut its immediate Radeon-shaped competition by a fair margin, and that’s only got better as the months have gone by.
The GTX 460′s rejigged GF100 GPU though may sound like Nvidia has just chopped the GTX 480′s chip in half, with only seven streaming multiprocessors (SMs) against the older card’s fourteen, but inside, things have most definitely changed.
These SMs are the units that hold the myriad CUDA cores (previously known as shader processors), special function units (SFUs), texture mapping units (TMUs) and the polymorph engines that contain the all-important tessellation grunt.
The SMs of the GF100 chips contain a maximum of 32 shader cores, four SFUs and four TMUs. In the GTX 460 chip though NVIDIA has squeezed another 16 CUDA cores into each SM and upped the SFU and TMU counts to eight per SM.
Each of these SMs has also had some CPU-like extra multi-threading goodness injected into them in the shape of an extra couple of dispatch units in each of them.
What this means is awesome midrange performance, and respectable performance at resolutions higher than 1680×1050. Pair a couple up for SLI kicks though, and you get a punchy setup that kicks Nvidia’s own GTX 280 into touch.

4. Nvidia GeForce GTX 470

Nvidia geforce gtx 470
  • Price: £200
  • GPU: GF102
  • Manufacturing process: 40nm
  • Memory: 1,280MB GDDR5
Not so hot on the heels of Nvidia’s first DX11 graphics cards came the GeForce GTX 470, a cut-down version of the GF100 GPU the green company is rightfully proud of.
Given the larger pricetag of its big brother, the GTX 480, this represents the most affordable high-end Fermi card out there.
Like the rest of the Fermi range, the 470 has seen some nifty price-cuts, which means it can now be had for £200 (we’ve seen it as low as £188 online). This makes the cheapest 470s at just £30 more expensive than the GTX 460 1GB, the new midrange king. That makes it a pretty compelling prospect right now.
In addition, at the native 22-inch resolution of 1,680×1,050, this card is a fair way ahead of the HD 5870. When things get cranked up though, it starts to lose its competitive edge against AMD’s upper-midrange peer.
Indeed, in our World in Conflict benchmark it actually dropped behind. Still, thanks to its Fermi roots, the GTX 470 has still got the tessellation goods and this promises some future-proofing.
Thankfully, production has ramped up nicely, and the early stock-issues that plagued the 470 and 480 are now long past. More cards in stockrooms means lower prices everywhere, so keep an eye on the 470 – it may yet drop some more.

3. AMD Radeon HD 6870

  • Price: £200
  • Manufacturing process: 40nm
  • Memory: 1,280MB GDDR5
AMD’s 6870 is really the march of things to come for AMD. The BARTS GPU will drive AMD’s high-end 6000 series, which hits later this month, and that makes the 6870 something of a stop-gap measure between the this and the 5000 series of cards.
As the advance-guard of AMD’s 6000-series, It also brings some new functionality to the party, in the name of HD3D. This is AMD’s passive 3D technology – largely nascent at present – but the card also supports HDMI 1.4a for 3D Blu-Ray displays.
Architecturally, this mainstream card is a cross between the 5830 and 5850. You get the full-fat 32 ROPs as found on the 5850, but with a core configuration of 1,120 stream processor, as found inside the 5830.
The tweaked core operates at a far higher clock rate to either of these predecessors though, cranking along at 900MHz, as opposed to the 750MHz of the 5850 and the 5830′s 800MHz.
In real terms this means that the 6870 is faster than the 5850, but it’s a little slower than the 5870, so don’t assume because it’s one number higher on the title, there’s a huge generation gap. It’s also faster than its closest competition on the Nvidia front, the GTX 460, and impressively, the GTX 470 as well.
For £200, there’s a lot of value here, the HD 6870 brings AMD’s trademark elegance (reduced heat and noise output) to your PC. We’re eagerly awaiting the rest of the 6000 range to see what AMD has up its sleeve this generation.

2. Nvidia GeForce GTX 480

Nvidia geforce gtx 480
  • Price: £320
  • GPU: GF100
  • Manufacturing process: 40nm
  • Memory: 1,536MB GDDR5
You’d think graphics cards would get worse with age, but after numerous price-cuts, the late-to-the-DX11-party GTX 480 is still one of the strngest contenders due to the fact that it’s 24% cheaper than at its launch. Oh, and did we mention it’s also the fastest single GPU in existence? Frames-per-penny, the 5970 may be a better value proposition, but for those without £400 to throw around, the 480′s the next best thing.
The full Graphics Fermi 100 GPU (GF100) is a marvel of graphical architecture, but some of the 512 small processing (CUDA) cores had to be dropped. The GTX 480 then comes with 480 of these cores, but still manages to pack one hell of a punch.
The key for Fermi, and the purported reason for its lengthy delay, was to ensure it had the best possible tessellation performance.
Tessellation is going to be one of the key tasks for future GPUs, the ability to render more detailed geometry rather than simply better, smoother textures, and Nvidia wants to be at the forefront.
The difficulty is that once tessellation becomes that important, and heavily used in modern gaming development, this card may not quite have the grunt. For now though it’s still an incredible piece of engineering.
The minimum aim for the GTX 480 was to beat AMD’s HD 5870 and, it manages that, making it the fastest single-GPU card around. Let’s see if that changes with AMD and Nvidia’s imminent range-refreshes.

1. ATI Radeon HD 5970

ATI radeon hd 5970
  • Price: £425
  • GPU: Hemlock XT (2 x RV870)
  • Manufacturing process: 40nm
  • Memory: 2 x 1,024MB GDDR5
So here it is; the fastest commercial graphics card available today; the Radeon HD 5970.
AMD has taken the top spot and managed to hold out against the latest Fermi card from Nvidia, the GeForce GTX 480.
This twin-GPU beauty is one big, beefy, powerhouse of a graphics card, capable of spewing out polygons like last night’s bad kebab. And it since its launch, we’ve seen over £100 fall from the price-tag to keep the stock flowing.
It isn’t just two HD 5870s strapped onto one slab of PCB though – there’s definitely nothing simple about fitting two graphics cards into one form factor.
The actual GPUs are slightly slower than a vanilla HD 5870, making them more akin to twin overclocked HD 5850s. This also means that a Crossfire setup sporting two actual HD 5870s will beat this card in a foot race. But this is Crossfire made easy and that’s something that could rarely be said in the past.
Surprisingly, given the power requirements, it doesn’t get quite as hot as the volcanic GTX 480, a card that actually wiped some of our fingerprints during testing. And surprisingly, it’s remarkably stable and happy to be overclocked.
Some would say that overclocking what is already the fastest graphics card in the world is a bit like overkill, but the option is there for the brave. There are concerns over driver support though, given that DX11 launch title, and AMD Game title DiRT 2 didn’t support the multi-GPU HD 5970 until very recently, so like Crossfire in general, it could present compatibility questions going forward.
It’s not as dear as it was, but it’s still pricey, and what that means with both Nvidia and AMD refreshes on the horizon is anyone’s guess. Ours would be: further price cuts. Affordability FTW!
And right now, it’s still the fastest graphics card out there, posting figures with a healthy lead over the closest competitor from Nvidia. Considering that just a couple of generations ago ATI looked to be choking on Nvidia’s dust with the HD 3xxx series of cards, it’s quite incredible that it has managed to take the top spot and hold it against cards coming out almost half a year later.
Hats off to you then HD 5970, you are the fastest graphics card in the world.

USB Disk Security

USB Disk Security

USB Disk Security | 7.4 MB

USB Disk Security provides 100 protection against any threats via USB drive, however, the majority of other products are unable even to guarantee 90 protection. USB Disk Security is the best antivirus software to permanently protect offline computer without the need for signature updates, but other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they cannot effectively protect offline computer. This light and easy to use solution is 10 compatible with all software and doesn't slow down your computer at all. You pay USB Disk Security once and get it all, however, other antivirus products should be paid for updates every year.

Product Highlights:

* 100 protection against any malicious programs via USB storage

USB Disk Security uses innovative proactive technology to block any threats via USB drive. There are relatively few products available in shops or on the Internet which offer even close to 100 protection against any malicious programs via USB drive. The majority of products are unable even to guarantee 90 protection. USB Disk Security is the world's best software to block threats via USB drive.

* The best solution to protect offline computer

Other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they cannot effectively protect offline computer that is not connected to the Internet. When new viruses, worms and other malicious attacks strike, traditional signatures are insufficient. Every minute one waits for a virus signature update creates a window of vulnerability that could have devastating consequences. USB Disk Security uses advanced proactive detection techniques, requires no signature updates, and closes the window of vulnerability left open by other reactive, signature-based responses.

* The world's fastest and smallest antivirus software

With USB Disk Security, its not necessary to sacrifice speed for detection and scanning. Compare antivirus software and you'll discover that USB Disk Security is by far one of the smallest applications in the industry. For example, the v5.0 of USB Disk Security installer is just 1 MB. The program utilizes approximately 1 to 7 MB of RAM.

* 100 compatible with all software

Incompatibility between antivirus programs is an issue. In the vast majority of cases, installing two antivirus programs from different vendors on one machine (for increased protection) is technically impossible, as the two programs will disrupt each other's functioning. However, USB Disk Security is 100 compatible with all software, including Windows Vista.

* Simple to use

USB Disk Security has been specifically designed to perform effectively regardless of the users level of computer expertise. Just install and forget it.

Traditional Antivirus Useless Against New Unidentified Viruses

Most normal antivirus programs rest upon their database. Potentially dangerous files have been suited opposite the database to see either they have been to be deliberate protected or not. Since the brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new pathogen can widespread worldwide inside of the couple of hours it can equates to serious repairs to your mechanism prolonged prior to the manufacturer of the antivirus module identifies the pathogen as good as updates the database. You additionally need to go online to import the manufacturers’ database to we antivirus program, which equates to which your mechanism will be online all unprotected. The brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new Panda Titanium Active Scan Anti Virus 2005 however, contains TruPrevent Technologies: the brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new complement written to strengthen your mechanism opposite opposite viruses as good as intruders.
Every right away as good as afterwards we can review about the brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new pathogen as good as the repairs it causes. The millions of viruses price companies any time they strike. It is however not usually companies which have been pang from the indemnification caused by viruses. A pathogen can be usually as deleterious if not some-more for the in isolation Internet user by destroying critical documents, family cinema as good as all else we keep upon your computer. Therefore should no home mechanism be though great pathogen insurance software. This approach we can strengthen your mechanism as good as yourself from losing data, depraved tough drives as good as the series of alternative problems. There have been multiform antivirus programs accessible of which the little have been giveaway as good as the little have been not. You should however regularly recollect which we competence get what we profitable for, definition which the have make use of of as good as the updates competence be improved for the paid alternatives as good as thereby strengthen your mechanism better.
When regulating the pathogen module we should try to find the single which is fast, arguable as good as equates to to find as many viruses as possible. Whether it is quick or not competence appear insignificant if we do not have make use of of your mechanism which much, though we will find which an anti pathogen module which scans your mechanism faster will be used some-more mostly as good as thereby giving we the improved protection. If an anti pathogen module should be in effect when safeguarding your mechanism it needs to be equates to to commend all viruses, as good as given brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new viruses have been all the time combined this equates to which the database for the module has to be all the time updated. You should thus cruise how mostly the opposite antivirus programs refurbish their databases when selecting which antivirus module to get. You should regularly have certain to keep your pathogen module up-to-date.
One of the many appropriate antivirus programs upon the marketplace currently is Panda Active Scan Anti Virus Software Online which has an peerless genius for detecting viruses as good as alternative threats online which is the many usual trail for viruses to strech the computer. Almost all viruses currently have been widespread by the Internet. Panda Titanium Active Scan Anti Virus 2005 is easy to implement as good as once it is commissioned it finds as good as mislay viruses automatically. Panda Titanium Active Scan Anti Virus 2005 additionally automatically updates itself if we wish it to. In alternative words: Panda Anti Virus is an anti pathogen module which manages itself as good as creates certain which it is up to date as good as equates to to keep your mechanism protected from viruses. Panda Titanium Active Scan Anti Virus 2005 scans your complete computer, together with the module itself, to have certain which the pathogen can’t taint any partial of the computer. Panda Titanium Active Scan Anti Virus 2005 doesn’t usually poke for virus, it additionally poke your mechanism for the series of alternative confidence risks similar to view things as good as Trojans.
Panda Titanium Active Scan Anti Virus 2005 contains TruPrevent Technologies. TruPrevent Technologies is the complement written to assistance Panda Anti Virus strengthen your mechanism opposite opposite viruses as good as intruders. The user can select either they wish to have make use of of TruPrevent Technologies or not. The record has been implemented to concede Panda Anti Virus to strengthen your mechanism opposite brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new pathogen given the brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new pathogen can widespread worldwide inside of the couple of hours. The TruPrevent Technologies allows Panda Anti Virus to acknowledge as good as retard viruses even if they have been not nonetheless enclosed in the pathogen database. This allows Panda Titanium Active Scan Anti Virus 2005 to keep your mechanism protected opposite all viruses as good as not usually the ones which have been already identified, given we competence confront the brand brand brand brand brand brand brand brand new pathogen notwithstanding the actuality which Panda updates their database during slightest once the day. Old antivirus programs – as good as many of the complicated antivirus programs as good – can usually strengthen we opposite already identified viruses. The capability to strengthen opposite opposite viruses is what Panda Titanium Active Scan Anti Virus 2005 the higher preference for an anti pathogen program.
Panda Titanium Active Scan Anti Virus 2005 does not usually suggest higher confidence as good as really user accessible functionality. It additionally comes with tech await where experts answer any questions which competence arise.
All personal computers should have pathogen insurance given we differently risk losing critical document, family cinema etcetera as good as if we have been seeking for user friendship as good as the higher confidence Panda Titanium Active Scan Anti Virus 2005 is your many appropriate choice.